Control Systems and Optimization (Topics are interested but not limited to the following)
- * Genetic Algorithms
- * Fuzzy Control
- * Decision Support Systems
- * Machine Learning in Control Applications
- * Knowledge-based Systems Applications
- * Hybrid Learning Systems
- * Distributed Control Systems
- * Evolutionary Computation and Control
- * Optimization Algorithms
- * Soft Computing
- * Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems
- * Neural Networks based Control Systems
- * Planning and Scheduling
- * Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis
- * Engineering Applications
Robotics (Topics are interested but not limited to the following)
- * RAMS abilities of robotic systems
- * Hardware modeling and abstraction
- * Resource awareness
- * Sensor fusion, integration
- * Place recognition, localization
- * Image Processing
- * Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction
- * Robot Design, Development and Control
- * Control and Supervision Systems
- * Telerobotics and Teleoperation
- * Vehicle Control Applications
- * Industrial Networks and Automation
- * Object recognition, tracking
- * Scene interpretation
- * Robot cognition
- * Manipulation, grasping
- * Robot kinematics, dynamics
- * Human-Robots Interfaces
- * Network Robotics
- * Autonomous Agents
- * Perception and Awareness
- * Space and Underwater Robots
- * Modelling, Simulation and Architecture
- * Human-Machine Interfaces
- * Motion planning, control
- * Navigation
- * Task planning, monitoring
- * Human-robot Interaction
- * Robot simulation
- * Multi-robot systems
- * Collective and Social Robots
- * Humanoid Robots
- * Cognitive Approach for Robotics
- * Mobile Robots
Computer Science (Topics are interested but not limited to the following)
- * Formal methods for analysis and design
- * Software architectures
- * Middleware infrastructures
- * Model-driven engineering
- * Component-based engineering
- * Natural language understanding
- * Machine learning
- * Reasoning
- * Multi agent system
- * Multimedia computing
- * Internet of Things
- * Data- driven design and analysis
- * Virtual reality
- * Computer security
- * Human computer interaction
- * Problem solving
- * Semantic computing
- * Knowledge representation
- * Software product line engineering
- * Data, ontology, and knowledge engineering
- * Autonomic computing
- * Service oriented computing
- * Cloud computing
- * Context and intention awareness
- * Affective computing
- * Conversational computing
- * Planning